Thursday 23 April 2015

Web Developemtn Package

Website Development Pricing Packages

  • Starter Plan
  • Rs.5000
  • Website Type : 5 Page Static Website
  • 1 Domain Registration + Web Hosting
  • 5 Sub Domains + 100 Email Address
  • Latest Mobile Friendly Responsive Design
  • Contact Form with Google Map
  • Image or Products Gallery with Limited Photos
  • Customize Logo,Banner,Color & Images
  • Social Links(fb,tw,in,g+,etc..)
  • Google Analytics + Basic SEO
  • -
  • Business Plan
  • Rs.8000
  • Website Type : 5 Page Semi Dynamic Website
  • 1 Domain Registration + Web Hosting
  • 5 Sub Domains + 100 Email Address
  • Latest Mobile Friendly Responsive Design
  • Contact + Inquiry Form with Google Map
  • Dynamic Image or Products Gallery with Unlimited Photos
  • Customize Logo,Banner,Color & Images
  • Social Links(fb,tw,in,g+,etc..)
  • Google Analytics + Basic SEO
  • Admin Panel with Login Page
  • Essential Plan
  • Rs.12000
  • Website Type : 10 Page Dynamic Website
  • 1 Domain Registration + Web Hosting
  • Unlimited Sub Domains + Email Address
  • Latest Mobile Friendly Responsive Design
  • Contact + Inquiry Form with Google Map
  • Dynamic Image or Products Gallery with Unlimited Photos
  • Customize Logo,Banner,Color & Images
  • Social Links(fb,tw,in,g+,etc..)
  • Google Analytics + Basic SEO
  • Admin Panel with Login Page
  • e-Commerce Plan
  • Rs.15000
  • Website Type : 20 Page Dynamic Shopping Cart
  • 1 Domain Registration + Web Hosting
  • Unlimited Sub Domains + Email Address
  • Latest Mobile Friendly Responsive Design
  • Contact + Inquiry Form with Google Map
  • Dynamic Image or Products Gallery with Unlimited Photos
  • Customize Logo,Banner,Color & Images
  • Social Links(fb,tw,in,g+,etc..)
  • Google Analytics + Basic SEO
  • Admin Panel with Login Page

Web Hosting Packages

  • Windows Hosting Plan
  • Rs.2500
  • 2 GB Disk Space
  • 100 GB Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • 1 Primary Domain + 4 Sub-Domains
  • 1 MSSQL Server 2008 Database
  • Choice Of ASP.NET Ver. 1.X, 2.X & 3.0, 3.5,4.0
  • Latest Plesk Hosting Panel
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Windows Hosting Panel Demo Username: admin
    Password: panel
  • Unlimited Windows Hosting Plan
  • Rs.4000
  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • 1 Primary Domain + 11 Sub-Domains
  • 1 MSSQL Server 2008 Database
  • Choice Of ASP.NET Ver. 1.X, 2.X & 3.0, 3.5,4.0
  • Latest Plesk Hosting Panel
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Windows Hosting Panel Demo Username: admin
    Password: panel
  • Unlimited Linux Hosting Plan
  • Rs.4000
  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • 1 Primary Domain + 11 Sub-Domains
  • Unlimited Mysql Database
  • Pearl, AJAX, Ruby On Rails Choice Of PHP 5
  • Latest WHM Cpanel Hosting Panel
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Linux Hosting Panel Demo Username: admin
    Password: panel
  • Linux Hosting Plan
  • Rs.2500
  • 2 GB Disk Space
  • 100 GB Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • 1 Primary Domain + 4 Sub-Domains
  • Unlimited Mysql Database
  • Pearl, AJAX, Ruby On Rails Choice Of PHP 5
  • Latest WHM Cpanel Hosting Panel
  • Search Engine Submission
  • Linux Hosting Panel Demo Username: admin
    Password: panel

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